Plastic should be banned

Credit: Oceana

Plastic is what led to modern life and it is growing rapidly that could even outnumber humans on earth. Although plastic is useful, cheap, and accessible, we should not use plastic because it has harmful effects on the air, land, and sea humans depend on.


First, if plastic is burned they can cause air pollution which increases greenhouse gasses. Plastic is composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine, and sulfur which are greenhouse gases that are burn from plastic. Green House gases are what keep our planet warm otherwise Earth would be like Mars. Although greenhouse gases are to balance our temperature, if there is too much it would destroy ozone that helps stabilized temperature and would greatly harm our atmosphere. According to National Geography, “Temperature has increased dramatically over time and ozone has deteriorating. The widespread concern about ozone deterioration that allows a large amount of Ultraviolet B rays which cause skin cancers, more importantly, Earth have two poles that are made from ice.  If temperature increase thus would melt which result in flood”. An estimate in India who face the most tragic flood has ever happened, calculation by the National Disaster Management Authority have evaluated at an average of 1600 people died due to flood each year.


Secondly, when plastic is buried they release chemicals that could greatly harm the soil which affects crop growth. Plastic has chemicals that when release to the body of water or buried, they could bring toxin and poison living things surround it. Moreover many animals and bird likes crows are being surrounded by plastics which is hard to find foods. Furthermore, plastic that ended in ocean cause marine life to greatly damaged. Laura Parker writer who specializes in covering climate change and marine environments in National Geographic writes, “The miracle material has made modern life possible. But more than 40 percent of it is used just once, and it’s choking our waterways.”  Sea Turtles are victims, their prey is jellyfish. Many plastic bags can be confused as jellyfish which turtles can’t digest and many have died from plastic. Researchers found out that the younger turtles are at higher risk of death, therefore, death chance of turtles has increased nearly 50%. In addition to plastic bag, microplastic has increased to about 51 trillion particles–500 times more than stars in our galaxy–in our sea. In 2015, Jenna Jambeck, a University of Georgia engineering professor, estimated that about 14 million tons of plastic just form coastal region. She and her colleagues said that most plastic isn’t thrown off ships but are from rivers and smaller water bodies.

Finally plastic could bring harm to human body. Carcinogenic, neurotoxic, and hormone-disruptive chemicals are the main ingredient found their way into our ecology through water, land and air pollution. When consume or inhaled they chemicals, as a result, it leads to fertility problems, cancer, male impotence, heart disease, and others condition.

To all readers who want our next generations to live peacefully and happily in a healthy environment, therefore we should abolish single-used plastic.


In this class, Cindy taught us about a basic lesson on how does camera work and how to adjust the setting such as :

Exposure- Determines how light or dark your photo will be

Shutter speed- Affects how motion is captured

Aperture- Affects depth of field

ISO-Affects image noise

And there is two type of camera which are DSLR and Mirrorless

Resource: Know, Now You. “Why You Should Hold off on Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Cameras over DSLRs.” Techly, 23 Jan. 2014,

Here are some photos :

This photo was taken during a school trip.


Yeak loum Lake in Cambodia


On top of Preah Vihear mountain in Cambodia
Mangroves forest, Koh Kong, Cambodia

Thank you for reading and comment below some photo I will gladly see it.

Introduction To Algebra

In the world, every career has required the work of math to make the work more efficient, reliable, and to keep hold everything together. In our essential classes, one of it is math class, we all love math. For the first month of the new schools year, my friends and I was having fun doing fraction in our math problem in our math textbook(Primary Mathematics series from Singapore). In the past week, our teacher has been recently mentioned about algebra, she said that it is a bit challenging for beginners but when you kind of feels the flow you will find it to be easy. Thanks for the help of Khan Academy, Khmer books, and Sam, shortly after that we manage to learn a part of the algebra.

Credit: Khan Academy






My teacher said that it is just a matter of times, and don’t forget to “Make the most of your learning.”

I am not small !

Source: Unknown

Ant is a small insect that belongs to a group of Formicidae, just like others insect wasp and bee.”Ants are one of the smallest species and smallest being that you can possibly see. But does ant actually consider the smallest thing?”, that is what Cambodian thinks for hundreds of year.

Many decades later, in 1704 the existence of Democritus has changed the aspect of all scientists which he explained as “Atom”, all matter is made up from small indestructible, invisible units. In 1704 our world renown scientist, Isaac Newton has theorized a mechanical universe with small, solid masses in motion. In 1873 James Clerk Maxwell proposed the theory of electromagnetism and made the connection between light and electromagnetic waves. In 1874 G.J. Stoney theorized the existence of “electron” that electricity was comprised of negative particle.J.J. Thomson determined the charge to mass ratio of the electron. In 1898 Rutherford discovered alpha, beta, and gamma rays in radiation and he also assumed that the electrons were located outside the nucleus. In 1914 H.G.J. Moseley discovered that the number of protons in an element determines its atomic number

KTSDESIGN/Science Photo Library/Getty Images


Thanks to the discoveries, we now know that there are so many things that smaller than ants. Atom is made up of a nucleus and electrons. The nucleus contains protons and neutron. In 1964 Murray Gell-Mann proposed that there is something that smaller than protons which are called quark and it is the smallest most, mysterious thing according to humans.

“There is a limitation of what human knows, but we are curious of what beyond limits”-Virak Bandith Thay.

Digital Design

As the world keeps on developing, technology has made histories and effect every corner of the world. World War 2 is an example of using technology in a way to conquer the world, and health care, construction, education have required the help of technology.

This year we started to learn about Multimedia and Technology. Cindy (our teacher) taught us how to do research efficiently, by just identified and categorized the source to two main sources:

Primary Source: Diary, Recording or any type of sources that happened during that event
Secondary Source: Review, Magazine (possible), biography or any type of sources that are not experienced in the first-hand

Credit: Comidoc
Credit: Photofocus





After the research, she taught us, how to use Adobe Indesign, Lightroom, and photoshop.

Friday The Day Of Love

“When the words Saturday come up, I always think about the planet Saturn ?”. These are what I always wonder about, does it related, is the day named after the planet or the planet named after the day?.

   Even though the world is big, but it seems like we got influenced by many things. English words like Saturday is ថ្ថ្ងៃសៅរ៍​​  and Saturn is ពភសៅរ៍ ​​​​ in Khmer.

    During our essential classes, literacy is a class with the most works and what makes me came this far in a journey of fully understanding and get influence with English. Hannah, our literacy teacher is a very cheerful and thoughtful person, make the class feel like fun and makes student enjoys learning even more, but she never forgets to give us homework. Every Monday she gives off homework package which is always about words origin and a week after she will have a test about the word, and in Tuesday she let us read and do the assignment in Newsela. If you want to understand the origins of a tree, you have to start from the root so does the origins of a word. Last week we were learning about days of the weeks, and I was surprised at how they decide on the name of the days and the name of the planets:  


  • Sunday was “dies Solis,” the day of the sun.
  • Monday was “dies Lunae,” the day of the moon
  • Tuesday was “dies Martis,” the day of Mars.
  • Wednesday was “dies Mercurii,” the day of Mercury.
  • Thursday was “dies Iovis,” the day of Jupiter.
  • Friday was “dies Veneris,” the day of Venus.
  • Saturday was “dies Saturni,” the day of Saturn.

And how it named after god and god-being of anglo-saxon

Saturday named after the Saturn

Sunday named after the Sun

Monday named after the moon

Tuesday named after the god Tiw. Tiw is the god of war, just like Mar the god of Roman.

Wednesday named after the god Woden. Woden is like Mercury the god of  Roman. Woden can also travel through the sky and guarded the dead.

Thursday named after Thunor. Thunor the god of thunder which like Jupiter the god of Roman. Thunor and Thor are similar beings.

Friday named after the goddess Frigg. In the book, Frigg is mentioned as the god that is related to love.


Sometimes the days you born determined your personalities and traits. I was born on Friday, which meant for love and what about you?