Aperture One: Regrets

As agents of change and leaders that are currently under the guidance of Liger Leadership Academy, we ought to be able to stand up and play the part of leadership we have been inspired to be. Liger is a cultivated atmosphere of students who aspire to make an impact, a comfortable environment that encourages its students to chase their passion, and the window to look for sweet and bitter remembrances. From a Cambodian perspective, Liger is a place of miracles.  

Virak Bandeth. Virak is a common name for Cambodian, brought upon the new-born the fate of heroes. Bandeth, on the other hand, is a rarely seen name in a place that has just been healed from the history of gruesome genocide; the child will be expected to be a miracle. 

I remembered sitting at a desk, little streams of light through the small aperture of the roof, in the gloomy, cluttered corner of the tattered house of mine. It was the burning sensation of the summer of 2019, the long-awaited period of the year that was about to end as fast as it started. I was feeling dizzy from the hallucinations, which I knew that was what I believed to be, a hazy mindedness. I was minding my little dreams that dated far too long before humans existed, dreaming of how high I could have climbed the mountain, dreaming of how much I could devour, dreaming of how pleasant the reward could be. Until then, at the death of the summer, did I realize that it was all just a dream; pondering over what I have accomplished, that was nearly negligible, by contrast, I was pulled into the gratifying fantasies instead of continuing my baby steps toward success. At one moment,  I was hating my selflessness to believe in everyone’s expectations; I was even more enraged when I knew I was cluelessly taking on a journey with no destination. At the other moment, I was feeling breathless in my regrets that were brought from thinking of the time I was idly living from the past few years at Liger. But I was too embarrassed to even ask for help from anyone because of bearing the name ‘Bandeth’; a rarely seen name in a place that has just been healed from the history of gruesome genocide; the child will be expected to be a miracle. The miracle that couldn’t be irresponsible of their fault, they have the mind to solve if they have the ‘will’. 

 I needed to capture my ‘wills’. 

At that very moment, in my head, I started to visualize my goal of becoming a better human. I have the plan to cultivate my soul by completing the three main ‘wills’. 

The first will was to be more humane. The goal here is simple and clear; to be more compassionate and to empathize with the people of Cambodia and the world. As born in Cambodia, a Khmer who knew nothing about his own country is immeasurably disappointing, I admit to myself of this shameful fact. 

The second will was to write more. Writing is a relic that was invented to bridge together the ancients and the futures.  Writing in any manner is beneficial to a person’s life, it enables those individuals to define themselves of all the uncertainty in the world. Starting the year, I told myself to befriend books and pencils. I knew that I was not empowered to be achieving greatly in literature, still, expectations befitting the learned ones are the preferable lengthy, complex writings filled with massive amounts of information. 

Finally, the third will was to consistently improve; Kaizen. During the school year of 2019, among all the classes of Advanced Enrichment, there is one particular class that every student walks in feeling lost in the chaos of the world, to only later walks out arguing how short-sighted a human could be, the class of ‘Global Current Events’. On the day of 13th December, I remembered walking in with a dark shroud of gloomy shadow hung over my head. The class was filled with students who had their mouth glistening with grease after a snack break, they seemed to be stimulated from the sugar within, noises answering the whereabouts of students who were not there. Our facilitator, Teacher Bunthan Un, then proceeded to talk about our lesson of the day. ‘Today, we are looking at Japan’, or somewhere along the lines that would pique my interest. Kaizen, continuous improvement. There and then, I found out that this philosophical thinking was similar to my goals in many ways. 

Bliss, Anger, Anxiety, Excitement, Frustration can all be the root of regrets. Among all questions of the mind, the abnormal regret is a dual-sided blade. A perfect allegory to most people’s regrets is ‘the gas in a lost balloon swaying in the sky’.Regrets push you up the sky but to where? Regrets can explode the gas that has swelled up in you but are you willing to fall and let go of your life? Regrets make you restless; do you explode so you fall back to your comfort or keep levitating to nowhere? Regret is the epitome of all mortal madness.

Unexpectedly, I  was fated upon a project that best reflected the act of changing Cambodia, I was allowed to grasp on to the wondrous world of electricity.  

The Electricity of Cambodia Exploration was led by our facilitator Keith Simpson, aiming to make contributions toward the new Economic of Cambodia website; another project covers the whole scope of the economy in the Kingdom of Cambodia. As explained a few times in other articles, an Exploration is a seven weeks long project. In the span of this seven weeks, we were trying to achieve 1)Understanding electricity that includes basic information (Method to make electricity, history of electricity invention, how each method affects the environment…), as well as the network of Cambodia electricity and its economy 2)Be a part of the change toward electricity in Cambodia. 

To be a part of the change toward a country, it must start with its people. As we started to look into methods Cambodians are using to generate electricity, Keith started to introduce us to more organizations that lead toward one path, sustainable and accessible electricity. Okra Solar was one of the organizations that we were introduced to, also one of the leading organizations that provide sustainable energy to rural areas far from the electricity grid.

Guided by the said organization, we were set on to meet residents in a designated rural area of Kampong Speu province, we got to experience the hands-on assembly of the smart grid technology and its implementation for the residents through a couple of interviews.   

Being a part of this project has taken a toll on my brain, the inability to completely process and manage the information that I was being fed, it was frustrating how much time I spent reading each sentence aloud. I regretted it. I will shamefully admit that, as a change agent, I wasn’t taking the whole project as a significant change in my journey. Despite all of that, an awareness has sprouted in my mind. I noticed a smile; during the trip to Kampong Speu, we had an interview with an elderly woman of the village, her smile was genuine about the topic of her electricity usage. “I always use the electricity provided by the installed smart grids of the house on the ‘lap-top’, it’s for watching dramas’ ”, she proudly explained about her portable DVD player with a swivel monitor in the shape similar to a lap-top.  Her smile that I noticed, it told a story.

Then, we further inquired, ‘How many people are in this house? And who do you live with?’, that abruptly saddened her smile. ‘My children have all grown up, now they are working in the factory far away from home. I live alone’, she then explained. It’s a story of an old lady accompanied by her trusty ‘lap-top’ to pass the day, a story of how a problem we have overlooked by the ordinary townsfolk, a story of how technology changed lives. A story reminds me of the privilege that we all have been accustomed to, a story that has left me in regret. 

The network of electricity and its economy is surely a challenge for a fourteen-year-olds publisher who desires perfection when there are bound to be slight mistakes to be able to improve as a novice. Ultimately, it progressed, even if not directly toward Cambodia, it was a great learning experience toward my journey of changing Cambodia.  

Fear and regrets. Most prodigy never fears consequences that come with growth, yet those who choose to mindlessly advance are greatly uneasy with negligible mistakes. It is all just a matter of calculation. 

 A Child’s future is determined by their present circumstances, this next story of change is a rather heart-warming experience, unfolding a sympathy between children of the same root.

In a rural village, a group of unprivileged students who had dreams that have yet to be realized was rushing in through the cemented gate. Project Little Dream.  In the village of Thnout Takeo, laid a school founded and designed by ‘fifteen university students with a common dream.’ The foreign structure of the school facilities creates an environment for productivity, students were inspired to learn. However, as a change agent, Bong Srey Neang Oun noticed a problem that she could change, to leave a permanent impact. Our Senior, who is now an alumnus, was born and raised in Thnout village. Before continuing her next chapter in life, she was permitted to create an impact on her country. Having concluded changing the lives of those little children in her village, she explained that part of her education in her childhood has been the lack of good English language arts. As she explained, I could ‘see’ the spark within her eyes, I was reminded that I could be a part of this change. 

I remembered during our exploration, as the bus paved through the nutrient-rich soil, along the neverending field of greenery that will yet to turn to a grandiose golden army, along with sounds of steering wheel trying to evade a group of running children whose clothes were besmirched as dark as their skin; she described her home, her neighbor, her friends, her villages yet, ironically, if these stories were told to most children living in the urbanized cities, they were neglected as if their very mind is buried under hills of technology devices, a forgotten beginning. There, we were set on the journey to make changes.

“It’s our home, our siblings, our friends, our village, our land by the virtue of being a Cambodian, a descendant of the people who were once so splendid; our land stretched to the far north-east, our rice field laid between mountains of the north-west, our kingdom’s water was supplied from the countless streams of the river that run deeps in our culture. It was all lost in the river of time, gradually degrading. I deeply regret that all we have got to see are the barely surviving remnants of the kingdom.

When all is said and done to the best of my ability, I still lose in regrets. The regrets that I have felt during the same period last year, have presented themselves yet again; a puncture to the heart, now, however, it’s an aperture letting a stroke of light in.  Due to the benefits and hindrance of these uncertain times of the world cursed with COVID-19, they had me thinking. The window of opportunity to self-discoveries has appeared, the period of quarantine is a blessing in disguise.  It was just a lingering regret at first, yet as the days progressed, a turbulent strong enough to create a cycle of self-doubt. It was pitch black in here, yet I doubted it, I am a change agent after all. 

Don’t conform to darkness, create your light no matter how minuscule the aperture could be. The subsequent events, let it be determined by the mind’s eye. 

Since then, “Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”-Siddhartha Gautama has become my mantra for the rest of my life, it has come to be, “Doubt everything, no matter who it is, no matter what it is, or even this very quote, doubt it until it refined your reason and your own common sense,” from my perspective. 


How to find your dream in the midst of influence

How to stick with your dream in the midst influence


“What career do you want to pursue?” “How much do you make?” “Is it a career abroad?”

These questions are still rumbling through my head like those electric mosquito electrocution tools.

When I was 6 years old, “You have to be careful when you play, it can leave scars and marks. With your appearance and face, you can surely be a handsome model or a famous actor.”, said my father as he inspects my body to see if there is any wound that can potentially leave scars to his beloved and handsome to-be actor.


When I was 8 years old, I remember vaguely that my mom told me enthusiastically “You gotta be a skillful doctor, dear”, she was quite envied of the neighbor’s son, who was recently hired as a doctor abroad.

“My nephew will surely become a successful businessman.” said my uncle.

“Hey stop wasting your time, start to code. You can certainly be a programmer” said my brother as he was immersed in his video game.


While my relatives keep throwing career paths that can be turned into inspiration, whereas some other suggestions make the whole situation even create turbulence in my head; you might also have no inspiration at all. If are you are lost in this labyrinth and pondering about which path you will proceed, here is a pen that will enlighten thee, erase your past and rewrite your star.


Step 1: Find your passion

   Just like how it sounds, learn what do you love. Your star can always shine brightly as others but you just have to find the right galaxy. To find your passion, the following questions will be helpful :

       What do you find beautiful? But in some cases, what do you find fun?

       What kind of person are you? What fit you?

       Are you a free spirit? Or are you a person who prefers working with someone leading you?


Step 2: Explore

   Explore. Try to find other professions that you might like more. There is no wrong or right if you just take the opportunity to explore and find your fated passion. The reason explores after knowing what your initial passion, is the world is changing drastically every day. You as a teenager might just get hyped by the flow of your peers. So get to know what that career is and how it works.

Tips: Don’t take what restrain your interest into account.


Step 3: Decision

Make your career choice. To help you decide what your future would be, make interviews – ask elders, what makes them do that career? Do they meet their expectations?

Ask them to your satisfaction, but don’t let negativity affects what you love.

And pick an occupation that satisfies you most based on all information.


Step 4: Propose

   Fear no criticism. Tell your parents or friends what you love to do, while you are at it, convince them benefits and try elaborate more about your feeling toward your career choice. In any case, they are not convinced, pull out your research; show them evidence. If they still won’t support your ideas, you just have to work harder then those with their parents covering them. Never give up.  



Round 5 – Low poly and glitch pictures

Round 5 of our multimedia/technology is the most extravagant to me. This round, unlike any other round, we were given a three weeks project that student has the option to independently do any project that is associated with media using tools like Adobe.

I chose to learn how to make a low poly picture and a glitch photo using adobe illustrator and photoshop. Adobe Photoshop is possibly known to every great professional photographer and graphic designer, it has great tools that are frequently used for resizing, crop, replace, visual effects and correct the color of a digital photo. Illustrator is another one of the Adobe products. It is developed alongside adobe photoshop as a complementary, it provides more tools for drawing and illustration on a digital picture. It is used for logos, vector graphics, and cartoons.

I chose to do this as an individual, so I got no one to help. But it seems like the lady luck are attracted to me, I chose really easy projects that are to be found anywhere on youtube and any other media platform. Although the instructions are informative with information graphics, I still face some problems. I need to maintain full focus on both the video and practicing at the same time, I usually missed some steps. I have to do the whole project again in case of forgetting the procedures.

This glitched Jimin, one of my favorite K-pop idols.

Nevertheless, I still enjoy doing this adobe project because they help opens new possibilities.

STEM| Science-History of life on Earth

During our earth science class, one of the noticeably factual-and-descriptive-learning-method classes, we were having an exam coming up. Everyone had their eyes wide and white, spamming through the disordered notes had their hair disheveled; I, on the other hand, took it easy. I brought upon myself a new door to learning, indiscriminately, to all lessons in my life. I gathered all the information relevant to the exam, established a basic understanding, adding details, and construct an info-graphic.  Having the graph as a product was an additional benefit, the process of creating the info-graphic was the golden reward I was aiming for. 

A basic info-graph about life that existed on earthLink to the graph.

Python Dictionary

Multimedia –  What is dictionary? When you search on google about dictionary generally, it says

a book or electronic resource that lists the words of a language (typically in alphabetical order) and gives their meaning, or gives the equivalent words in a different language, often also providing information about pronunciation, origin, and usage.”


It is the same or connect in some way hence it is called ‘python dictionaries’ it only matters on how you look at it.


Just like in the definition Python dictionaries are just like lists but not so much. Python are used in curly bracket, they are unordered and changeable, and, there is no duplicate items allows.


For examples :

thisdictionary = {

 “Occupation”: “Doctor”,

 “Age”: “18”,

 “Year of birth”: 2001


Live to suffer

Life is towering

Scraping the sky.

When it reached its climax,

It blossoms and withers.


Life is a line

An art that continues with no eraser

Destiny is in your hand;

But the past leaves scars and marks.


Life is droplets of water

Weak and pure, but

Animated dribble can

Cut through rocks.


Life is a maze.

Terrifying blood crave wolf and

Greedy gold swallowing boar,

Are your neighbors.


Imploring In Anguish

With no mercy and empathy,

The labyrinth keeps the bird.

Chirping and tweeting,

Hoping to end this torment & upset.

Sorrow & grief within her delicate voice,

“May the bird set free”.

Inspired by the song “Bird set free” by Sia. 

Within Her Grief


Droplets of acid within tears.

Venomous viper are

Ready to strike in the dark and silent.

While expressing her language;

Jealous, envy, hate, of

Danger and hostility within her grief.

Inspire by Voltaire, “Tears are silent language of grief”. Golden Shovel form. 


នាម នាម គឺជាពាក្យសម្ដែងឲ្យមនុស្ស សត្វ រុក្ខជាតិ ទីកន្លែង និងស្ថានភាពបែបណាមួយ។

នាម មានប្រាំបីប្រភេទគឺ:

  • សាធារណនាម 
  • អសាធារណនាម
  • នាមករណ៍
  • នាមការណ៍
  • នាមរូបី
  • នាមអរូបី
  • នាមជីវចល
  • នាមអជីវចល

សាធារណនាម គឺជានាមសម្ដែងមិនចំពោះ ទូទៅ

ឧទាហរណ៍: សិស្សានុសិស្ស រត់លេងក្នុងសួន។

ពាក្យ « សិស្សានុសិស្ស សួន» ជា សាធារណនាម


អសាធារណនាម ជានាមសម្ដែងឈ្មោះប្រាកដ ចំពោះ មិនទូទៅ

ឧទាហរណ៍: ណាវី បានជូននំចំណីទៅដល់តាសុខ ។

«​ ណាវី តាសុខ » ជាអសាធារណនាម


នាមការក៍​ ជាពាក្យសម្ដែងអ្នកធ្វើអំពើ ឬអ្នកមានសភាពលក្ខណ:បែបណាមួយ ។


  • អ្នកហែល
  • អ្នកស្រែ
  • អ្នកស្ទូង

នាមករណ៍ គឺជានាមសម្ដែងសភាព ឬសកម្មភាព។



កិរិយា ករណនាម
ហាត់ លំហាត់
នៅ លំនៅ
កើត កំណើត
សង់ សំណង់


កិរិយា ករណនាម
ចាយ ចំណាយ
ដាំ ដំណាំ
ចង់ ចំណង់
សួរ សំណួរ


នាមរូបី គឺជានាមសម្រាប់សម្គាល់ឈ្មោះ មនុស្ស សត្វ វត្ថុ ទីកន្លែង ដែលយើងអាចដឹង

បាន ដោយចក្ខុវិញ្ញាណ និងកាយវិញ្ញាណ

ឧទាហរណ៍:  កៅអី សាលារៀន កាបូប ជញ្ជាំង


នាមអរូបី គឺជានាមសម្គាល់ឈ្មោះអ្វី ដែលគ្មានរូបរាងច្បាស់លាស់ ហើយមនុស្សមិនអាចប៉ះ

ពាល់ឬមើលឃើញមានទាំងនេះ តាមរយៈកាយវិញ្ញាណ ​ឬចក្ខុវិញ្ញាណបានឡើយ។

ឧទាហរណ៍: ភាពស្មោះត្រង់ ការយោគយល់ ស្នេហា ។


នាមជីវចល គឺជានាមសម្រាប់សម្គាល់ឈ្មោះមួយដែលមានជីវិតពីធម្មជាតិដូចជានាមសម្រាប់

សម្គាល់ឈ្មោះមនុស្ស សត្វ និងរុក្ខជាតិ។

ឧទាហរណ៍: បុប្ផា ហារី សីហា ដើមស្វាយ


នាមអជីវចល គឺជានាមសម្រាប់សម្គាល់ឈ្មោះអ្វីមួយដែលគ្មានជីវិតគ្មានវិញ្ញាណដូចជានាម

សម្គាល់ឈ្មោះ វត្ថុ ទីកន្លែង ស្ថានភាព សកម្មភាព និងគំនិតអ្វីមួយ។

ឧទាហរណ៍: តុ​ កៅអី ក្ដាខៀន ក្តៅ កម្តៅ ត្រជាក់

I Am From – Round 3

I am from boat and net

from stinky prahok and fishy p’ork

I am from the beautiful black wood wall

wind waving through, smells like champa of the ancient angkor

I am from the green young banana tree ,

The gigantic bayan  

whose long messy hair I remember

as if they were from horror movies.

I’m from old smoking pipe and hundred year mysterious book

from my grandfather broken abacus and my grandma black wooden walking stick

I’m from education and religion and

from Chinese-Cambodian whose skin can blend with the night

I’m from righteous and respect  and “Tok tok pen’g bom ponk”

I’m from Buddhism and taoism

I’m from the port of the Chams and minced pork with p’ork

From my grandma lies to the “Samak Met”,

the blacket she gave me when she left  The hole that was drilled when I was young, the black-white film, the photos that covered in dusk and her smile in my head.